Tag Archives: Paid Ads

It’s Indisputable: Organic Search Results Are Better than Paid Spots

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Organic Search Results Are Better Than Paid Ads - Eminent SEO

“It’s hard to remember the world before the internet.”

If you say that now, wait until five years from now when you might look back on content marketing and forget what it was like before search engine optimization became the standard.

Web marketers have watched strategies adjust over the years to include paid advertising, social media marketing and several other new tools and tactics as part of their repertoire. However, research shows that organic search still holds a vital place within a savvy content marketing strategy, and is even more effective than paying for ads that show up at the top of the search returns.

Don’t believe us? Keep reading to find out why.

Numbers Speak Loudest

Organic search still proves to be the best channel to drive traffic to your site. According to BrightEdge, organic search still accounts for 51 percent of all visitors for both B2B and B2C businesses. In fact, organic search alone commands more impact than all other non-organic traffic generators combined, including:

  • Paid search
  • Social media
  • Display ads
  • Email
  • Referral traffic

However, the team at BrightEdge found that organic search combined with paid advertising yields the best results, as opposed to either channel on its own. In the retail, technology and hospitality industries, for example, “organic and paid search combined make up over two-thirds of their total revenue.” We may see a change to these figures but, for now, organic search is still the anchor.

It’s Not the Tool that Matters, but Who Wields It

Facebook Now Drives More Traffic To News Websites Than Google - Eminent SEOSocial media has become an invaluable tool to any business wishing to grow its online presence. There has been such a powerful shift in media and publishing that Fortune magazine reported in 2015 that Facebook now drives more traffic to news outlets than Google does, accounting for 43 percent of traffic, compared to Google’s 38 percent.

Given the value of such an effective traffic generator, it is foolish to eliminate social media from your content marketing campaign. But first, consider the pitfalls of the social platforms.

When you rely on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. as your primary source of advertising, you are at the whims of the social media platform. Even though these sites drive traffic pretty impressively, they can change their rules at any time. For example, what if Facebook decides to adjust their timeline-viewing algorithm (again)? How can you assure that your content will be seen?

What if Twitter changes its advertising layout? Will your content be as accessible as it was when you first paid for your campaign?

These questions may seem like small matters to consider, but they will remain relevant as long as social media platforms strive to maximize their user experience. Remember that Facebook referral traffic only bests Google when it comes to news websites. This does not hold true for the websites of your average B2B or B2C companies.

Came for the Bread; Stayed for the Meat

The first goal of advertising is to get people to notice your product. The second goal of advertising is to get people to love your product.

Social media and paid ads do an effective job of driving traffic, but research shows that they don’t produce a “sticky” experience. In other words, people often come to your site once, and then they leave.

According to Kristine Schachinger, a marketing CEO and an author for Search Engine Watch, “If you want to sell something or gain brand awareness, social is an excellent channel. If you want people to find your store and remember you, organic is the way to go.”

Think about it: When an article or ad pops up on your news feed, you’re likely to click on it, then leave the site. Whereas with organic search, when you type in your search keywords and find a site matching your search query, you’re more likely to explore the rest of the site and remember its content.

With organic search, people start off looking a topic or product relevant to you, and their keyword search brings them to you. And if they have a great experience on your site, not only are they more likely to click around, they’re more likely to come back.

You Only Get What You Pay For, not a Penny More

Blend Of Organic And Paid Search Results - Eminent SEOWhat happens when the money runs out in paid advertising? You have to consider the following factors when choosing your content marketing campaign:

  • What to spend
  • How much to spend
  • Where to spend it

There are two basic paid channel pricing models: CPM and Pay Per Click. With CPM (cost per thousand clicks), a business is paying for the number of impressions on their ad – aka the number of times their ad gets seen. This is an effective way to allocate budget because it allows you to focus on a base price, but it doesn’t guarantee ROI.

With pay per click, businesses are charged every time an ad is clicked on. While this is a great way to measure traffic, it also doesn’t guarantee ROI, and has the added risk of overextending your finances if the number of clicks exceeds your marketing budget allocation.

Eliminating either channel of advertising result can result in a steep drop in traffic to your site, so it’s extremely important to not rely too heavily on paid advertising. Organic search allows you to capitalize on both impressions and clicks. Thus, remember to aim for strong organic rankings in addition to any search ads you might already be paying for.

Stay Flexible

With organic search, you get the added bonus of flexibility. While it isn’t a good idea to have long breaks in organic search investment, you can decrease the amount of investment you have in your campaign according to the changes in seasons.

Maybe you’re an online flower distributor, and you want to increase your paid advertising around Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day to promote discounts on flowers. Organic search allows you the added bonus of continuing your keyword-targeting strategy while also redistributing some of your marketing budget toward paid seasonal advertising.

Remember: Organic Search Results Are Better than Paid Entries

We can’t speak for the food and diet market, but when it comes to content marketing, organic isn’t just a trend: It’s a staple. A web marketing campaign that doesn’t capitalize on organic search is missing out on a foundational strategy that has proven to be effective, regardless of all of the recent changes in SEO.

Don’t forget to also take advantage of paid and social media advertising, but if faced with a choice between the three, organic will win out every time.

Need help with aiming for organic spots? Or could you use some overall consultation on your digital marketing strategy and where to best allocate resources? Start by learning about Eminent SEO’s Website Marketing services, and then give us a call at 800.871.4130 when you’re ready to hear more!

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Eminent SEO provides strategic SEO campaigns with measurable results along with expert website design, development, pay per click, content and social media and organic website marketing. 800.871.4130.

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How Seasonal Search Plays a Role in Your SEO and PPC Campaigns

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seasonal search

When developing out your SEO and PPC campaigns, it’s important to keep seasons in mind. Every business has their peak times when consumers are in need of a specific product or service, more than usual, which is considered seasonal traffic. During these peak times it’s important to keep your search campaigns in mind because you will want to capture as much of that audience as possible.

As a business owner, you should know when your peak times are during the year. Make sure to share this information with your search marketing team because your budget may need to be adjusted during certain months to capture a larger amount of consumers searching for your product or service. Same goes for holidays, if your product or service relates directly to consumers on certain days of the year. Strategies need to be put in place.

Understanding the Seasonal Shifts of Search Traffic to Increase Conversions

By looking at the year over year search traffic in your Google Analytics, you’ll be able to tell what months are driving the highest amount of search traffic and conversions. With this data, you’ll be able to accurately predict about how many users should be hitting your site and set goals for your campaigns.

Now that you have an understanding of what sort of traffic to expect for the upcoming peak months, you will need to justify a strong increase for these campaigns. To do that, you will need to look at the year over year increase percentage. Each year, you may want to see a percentage increase in conversions, this number will allow you to see those increases. By looking at the organic search increase percentage, you’ll be able to easily see if your SEO campaign is being effective each year. If it is growing each year during your peak times, you know you’re investing your money into the right target keywords. If there isn’t much growth, your SEO strategy may need to be re-defined.total traffic

For PPC, it can be a little different because each year cost per clicks are going to change and budgets may change. To tell if your search campaigns are effective here, you still want to look at the conversion percentage increase year over year. Compare that data with the total cost each month. If you’re spending the same amount of money, and your conversions are steadily inclining, this is a good sign that the keywords you’re bidding on are driving sales for your business. If you’re spending more money and seeing less conversions, your keyword list may need to be re-defined with a new strategy.

Another way to look at seasonal shifts for search campaigns is by looking at the search trends for your target keywords. This will clearly spell out what you can expect in certain months based off of the average search volume increases and decreases for your keywords.

search trends

Why You Should Invest More Into Your Campaigns During Peak Seasons

Your Competitors Are Doing It, So You Should Too

The truth is, if your competitors are showing up for more of your target keywords in the search results, they’ve already started a push to drive seasonal traffic to their site. That means you need to get started too. After all, seasonal SEO is all about timing. If you don’t start at the right time, you may be too late to see any sort of return on investment since it takes search engines some time to index any of your content you’re promoting. That being said, it is best to begin promoting at least 3 months in advance for seasonal traffic to get the buzz going organically.

With PPC, give it 30 days to get the ads visible to where they will be driving converted clicks. Many may think that all you need to do is turn your ad on and it automatically appears in the top 3 of the search results. That can’t be any further from the truth. Even with these campaigns, you need to analyze the keywords that are driving conversions and narrow down the keyword list. That way, your budget is being mostly spent on keywords that are going to turn into qualified leads instead of wasted costs.

Higher Cost Per Clicks During Peak Times

This directly relates to your competition as well. If it is peak season for your business, it is the same for them. Which means they’re going to be aggressively bidding on keywords in their PPC campaigns to make sure their ads show in the top 3 search results over yours. A larger budget is necessary for your pay per click because of the competitive increased cost per clicks.

More Visibility on the Web

If your strategies are prepared with the right timing, budget, and approach; your business will have more visibility during seasonal shifts. Investing in more content on your website creates more indexing of your website in the search engines. Which means Google is coming back to your site a lot more because you’re giving the crawlers something new consistently. This helps build organic traffic and rankings which means a lot more visibility.

For PPC, with an increased budget, your ads will appear in the top 3 search results for your target keywords. This is where you want your ads to appear since that is where consumers are going to click first resulting in more qualified traffic to your site.

Closing Thoughts

Be prepared for seasonal shifts if you have a business in an industry that has peak highs and lows. If you are seeing a decrease in traffic month over month, don’t automatically assume your SEO and PPC campaigns aren’t being effective. Take the timing into consideration and do the research. If this is a trend that occurs each year, then you know that may be the time when your business starts to hit the low point. Consider reducing your PPC budgets during these low times and re-analyze your SEO strategy so that is prepared for the peak times.

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Eminent SEO provides strategic SEO campaigns with measurable results along with expert website design, development, pay per click, content and social media and organic website marketing. 800.871.4130.

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8 Tips for Effective PPC Landing Pages

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8 Tips for Effective Landing Pages
OK, so you have a pay-per-click campaign running, but you think it could be better. You are probably right. Consider where you are sending your potential clients… what is on that landing page. Does it do your product/service justice? Or is it more “ho-hum, seen it before”?

The most effective campaigns will have a dedicated landing page properly optimized for a specific product or service with a clear call-to-action. Do you want them to buy right there? Do you want them to fill out a form? Or would you rather get them on the phone right now? These are some questions to ask yourself when designing your landing page.

In order to have a PPC campaign that produces a high amount of conversions, leads, and sales, you need to have dedicated PPC landing pages that are optimized.

Here are some PPC landing page tips to getting the best bang for your buck with your campaign:

1. Make Customer Testimonials Stand Out

Is this the right product/service for me? What do other people think of this? Am I making the right choice? A real customer testimonial can answer all of these questions and seal the deal. Make it prominent, give it a unique design element. You can even make it a video. This creates trust between you and your readers.

2. List the Benefits. How Is Your Product/Service Better?

They are there because of what you are selling – you need to convince them why yours is better. Make sure your key benefits are listed out clearly, in a bullet list. This helps your potential buyer quickly determine whether or not they landed where they need to be… and whether or not your product or service is worth the time to buy or call.

3. POW! Catch Them with a Knock-out Headline

Take time to come up with an amazing headline – you have 3 seconds to capture your readers attention, tell them why they are here, and that you have EXACTLY what they are looking for. Use headline tools to test the effectiveness of your headline. (Have more than one killer headline? See Step 8.)

4. Keep it Simple, Silly!

This is a landing page – not your whole website squished into a page. Focus on the key points – this is to turn this prospect into a qualified lead – not to tell them everything that you are or what you offer. Keep the layout and content simple:

  • Headline – strong and clear (remember, 3 seconds!)
  • Sub-headline – support your headline with a compelling thought
  • Pictures – these should show the benefits of why they are there
  • CTA Buttons – strong and compelling
  • Break up your content with Large Font Headlines
  • Bullet Points – get to the point right away, list the benefits of your service/product
  • Short Paragraphs – under 10 sentences, use simple words and thoughts that are easy to understand. Don’t use 10 dollar words where 2 dollar ones explain just as well.
  • Image Captions – don’t forget to explain the pictures (not just for Google, but for your readers, too)

5. Be Yourself

Write as if you are talking to your reader face to face. Sound human. Your readers don’t want a robot, even on ‘paper’. Add some humor, too.

6. Get Your Facts!

Be real. Nobody believes “Your conversions will increase greatly” – but “Our clients have seen increases in conversions up to 30%!” Write compelling facts that mean something to your clients. Hard facts are the real deal.

7. Don’t Be Bossy

No one likes to be told what to do. So ASK your readers to act. Use a 2 line method: 1 line to ask, 1 line to reassure it’s the right choice.

For Example:

We create beautiful websites and unique marketing strategies that drive targeted traffic and high conversions.
Get Started Now!

Let us create a custom website and marketing campaign for you so you can get back to what you do best – running your business.
Call us now.

8. A/B Test

Come on, you think you hit a homerun right off the bat? Possibly. But to be sure, you should test it. Compare your headlines (Remember step 3? This is how you choose!). Compare your sub-headlines, your CTA copy, or even change up your benefits – which ones really matter to your readers?

Did you catch all of that? It’s a lot to remember, and it’s not easy to come up with the right formula to get the results you are looking for. However, these are the key elements to look at if you are trying to beef up your PPC campaign.

Want a hand? Give us a call: 800-871-4130 or fill out a form today.

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Kirstin Douglas

Technical Project Manager. My day-to-day includes performing technical SEO tasks, managing multiple projects and supporting the website optimization process. I also communicate directly with customers to help them understand their options and implement their customized solutions.

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How PPC and SEO Work Together

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First thing’s first, let’s talk briefly about PPC and SEO, what they are, and how they work.

Pay Per Click (PPC)

PPC advertising is when you pay the search engine for your ad to appear when someone performs a search. For example, if you search Google you will see ads at the top and right of search pages.

ppc search results

If you search on pretty much any consumer product, like golf balls or shoes, you’ll see them. Google has also been testing new strategies out, so sometimes you can see them at the bottom of web pages as well.

Unlike organic listings, when a user clicks a paid ad, the website owner pays a cost for each click. Websites can also choose to be a part of the “Google display network.”  This allows you to have a graphic ad displayed on a website, and you pay a price you bid on for every 1000 impressions (called CPM).

One of the primary benefits to a PPC campaign is that you can get traffic to your website almost instantly – the day your ads go live.  However, it can be very costly if you don’t monitor it closely or know how to properly manage a PPC campaign.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is the practice of improving your website optimization for better organic rankings and traffic with the search engines. For example, just like we displayed in the paid ads above, when you keep scrolling down you will see the organic results:

organic search

Organic search engine optimization can result in high volumes of targeted traffic that you don’t have to pay a cost per click for, so it’s very desirable. When you hear the words “organic SEO,” you can think of marketing that is intended to rank your site on the first page of Google for a desirable search term.  However, it does require a lot hard work and can take several months or more to show results.

If you start a new website from scratch, you can hit page one of Google within 3-6 months for some of your keywords – and that’s if you are lucky.  For some difficult keywords you can expect 12-18 months or so before you have solid keyword rankings and traffic.

Google charges nothing for ranking in organic search – in fact, it is NOT a service they offer. If you want to have the work done, you have to hire an internet marketing company (like us) to do it for you.

Even though it takes longer and requires more work, organic search generally costs less over time and is a long term investment in your online business that can benefit you for years to come.

SEO and PPC Deliver Incredible Benefits When They Work Together

Honestly, there aren’t many studies out there that discuss this.  But, interestingly enough, a guest author posted an article at Search Engine Watch where he found that each organic position gained resulted in a 9% decrease in PPC costs for the same keyword.  Practically, that means if you ranked in position 10, and then moved up to 9, you should notice a 9% decrease in PPC costs (or close to it).  If you climbed to position 1-3, costs declined by 70%.

Brafton, a content marketing and internet marketing company, notes that searchers trust your company more if they find you with multiple search results on the same page.  For example, you’ll get more clicks if you have a PPC ad at the top of the page, and then an organic search listing down below.

PPC can help your SEO because you can still track keyword analytics for paid search versus organic search where you cannot. Track some of the same keywords you’re optimizing your website for, and see the success each keyword brings. You can see the success by monitoring keyword bounce rate, average time on site, and conversion rate. This way you can see if certain keywords are going to bring you sales to really dial in your ongoing SEO efforts.

Which Should You Use?

So, the bottom line is that neither PPC nor SEO is the “better” answer.  Rather, it’s all about finding the right mix of the two.

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Eminent SEO provides strategic SEO campaigns with measurable results along with expert website design, development, pay per click, content and social media and organic website marketing. 800.871.4130.

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10 Things to Know Before Advertising with Google AdWords

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CoinAs part of our mission to assist other small to mid-sized business owners, here are 10 things you should know before advertising with Google AdWords.

1. With PPC, it’s all about being “relevant”
Relevancy is being pertinent and giving the people what they want. It’s often mentioned in the Google AdWords mission statement. Why? There’s a direct correlation between relevancy and your keyword Quality Score (QS). A higher QS is one of many important goals in AdWords as it can help lower your cost per click, reduce your conversion costs and increase your ROI.

2. Google is Fast (and Ruthless)
Google AdWords can produce results that are immediate and measurable. Unlike SEO – which can take months, you can be on the top of Google within a matter of hours. But watch out as you can quickly lose a lot of money if you don’t know what you’re doing.

3. The #1 ad position on Google isn’t usually the best place to be
This logic may seem counter intuitive to most but the #1 paid position on AdWords typically costs the most amount of money and generates the most clicks. The downside is that many of these clicks are from unqualified traffic that barely read your ad and can cause your ROI to suffer. The #1 position is ideal only if you know the keywords and ads are converting at profitable levels.

4. Advertise on Google’s Display Network at your own risk
The Google AdWords default settings include the Display Network. Most newbies forget opt out of this channel and get plenty of poor quality visitors via this channel if they don’t know what they’re doing. In the hierarchy of testing search engine marketing, Google Search is the purest search results and an absolute “must have”. Use Search Partners if you’re not getting enough traffic. And use the Display Network for branding or low cost impulse product purchases (e.g. weight loss). Advertising on select sites within the Display Network via managed placement ads is a good strategy to test and should be run under a separate campaign.

5. Start your PPC bids high and lower them over time
Manual bidding strategies should be designed to target ad slots #3-6 and higher bids will typically result in better click through rates (CTR). This can improve your quality score and allow you to lower your bids slowly as your campaign matures and optimization techniques enhance your results.

6. Put your PPC keywords in the headline (and body copy whenever possible)
By placing your keywords within the headlines of your pay-per-click ads, your keywords will bold up on the search results page which can improve your CTR. As long as you’re sending traffic to a strong landing page that include the keywords, the ad will also become more relevant which can enhance Quality Scores. This in turn enables you to lower bids and helps further reduce your costs.

7. Keep the keywords in your ad groups limited
When building ad groups, it helps to maintain relevancy within your keywords by grouping them by a single “root keyword”. Expand out the list of longer tailed keywords by keeping the focus on this one keyword. Make sure to test the different match options – phase, exact and +broad +match +modified. Broad match keywords used by inexperienced PPC managers are ripe for Google to take advantage of synonyms which may have little to do with your product or service.

8. Don’t spread your PPC budget out evenly throughout the day. Accelerate it.
AdWords PPC is database marketing and a process of elimination. To quickly find out what works and what doesn’t with your pay-per-click ads, it makes most sense to accelerate your daily ad spend. This allows your ads to show most often so you can fail fast. Also by testing and removing keywords that don’t convert at profitable levels, you can succeed faster and achieve the goal of maximizing your daily budget at the lowest possible CPCs.

9. After 30 clicks, eliminate keywords and ads that don’t work
While 30 is a low sample size, it remains a statistically significant number to evaluate your ad and keyword level performance. While more data is preferred, 30 data points can allow you to make decisions with a 90% confidence level. By quickly finding out what does not work (and what does), you can stop throwing good money after bad and pour more resources to those keywords and ads that yield profitable results.

10. Increase your budget based on Google’s recommendation at your own peril
The ad budget for your business should not an open checkbook. When Google recommends that you increase your ad budget, whose best interest do you thinks it serves. Test lowering your bids to increase clicks or remove unprofitable keywords from the mix. Increasing your budget may make sense if you’re leaving money on the table but recognize that there is a law of diminishing returns with AdWords so finding the optimal ad budget is a process of testing while working to maintain a profitable ROI.

Hopefully, this list is something that you can use to get the most out of your pay-per-click advertising dollar.


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Eminent SEO provides strategic SEO campaigns with measurable results along with expert website design, development, pay per click, content and social media and organic website marketing. 800.871.4130.

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PPC Alternatives

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Google has been called a 1 trick pony over the years but as Eric Schmidt has said it is one hell of a trick. I have to agree with Mr. Schmidt 100%. At the same time Google is developing a lot of PPC alternatives to their one trick pony. What Google has more than any other business is traffic to their homepage, millions of users per day looking and researching different subjects, basically everything under the sun and over the sun.

What Google has going for it is unmistakable, they have traffic and relevancy. If you are looking for blue lampshades you can find them on Google and if you are willing to bid on “blue lampshades” as a key term Google is willing to rent that first page and that first position if and only if you are willing to pay for it. While it is possible to use SEO to rank for blue lampshades, SEO takes time and there are no guaranteed that you or anyone else will rank in the first position for blue lampshades in their organic search results. This is why PPC is so powerful; you can get immediate results, if you have the money.

So the challenge is to find other PPC alternatives that can boost your traffic with relevant clients. I think that while you might be able to use Facebook’s PPC solution I’m not so sure that the folks on Facebook are in buying mode when they are the social media site as they are in buying mode when they are on Google. So let’s take a look at 3 other so called PPC Alternatives that will get you immediate traffic and relevant traffic.

1) Direct mail –still the 800# gorilla
2) Newsletter ads – targeted audience
3) E-mail Marketing – listing building is essential for any business

Direct Mail Marketing

With direct mail we can rent a mailing list from a list rental company like InfoUSA. We can select the list based on the users’ preferences. Let’s say our current client base has an income of $86,000, female between the age of 35 -50 and they live in metro areas like New York City. We can ask InfoUSA to pull a list from their database and see how many people come up based on those demographics and preferences.
If too many people come up in the list we might want to narrow the geographic area or the age range we are selecting. In terms of testing I probably would test a list of 5,000 names to mail to and mail to them 5-7 times. Sending out 1 postcard or direct mail brochure just does not do the trick, we need multiple “impressions” in order to be heard from the client.

Next I would make sure that I drive the prospects to a 800# and a landing page, more specifically a “personalized landing page” known as PURL. This way we can track the people who chose to visit the landing page and track the people who call us. One of the other suggestions is to make sure that there is a call to action on the PURL, or make that multiple calls to actions. We want the user to call, add themselves to our newsletter, follow us on our Twitter account, become a fan of our Facebook Fan page, in other words we want them to TAKE ACTION!

Direct mail marketing will drive traffic to you quickly and with relevancy.

Newsletter Ads

Newsletter ads are great because like direct mail we are reaching a targeted audience. I would recommend finding the magazines and websites that your audience reads and visits and then contacting those publications. Once you contact those publications ask them about their demographics. Do their demographics map back to yours? Ask them about their open rates. If they have a list of 10,000 and an open rate of 20% then you might have 2,000 people view your ad. So the real number you are going to be in front of is 2,000, not 10,000.

The same goes here as in direct mail. You need multiple impressions in front of these folks. If the publication mails once per month you might want to buy a 3 or 6 month spend, this way your ad is repetitive 3 to 6 times over the next few months. You can easily track click through rates back to your web site as well as phone calls from this source of traffic using something like a Keymetrics tracking system.

E-mail marketing

E-mail marketing is the holy grail. It costs virtually next to nothing to manage and send. I use Infusionsoft for most of my e-mail marketing. However, e-mail marketing does require maintaining and fine tuning. Every business if they aren’t already should be building their list both in e-mail and direct mail. List building and PR or public relations are the 2 most cost effective ways to market and build a business. If you don’t have a list go into your contact manager and make one. Find 100 people who can use your products and services. Add them you your list and start building and mailing. Ask them to opt in to your new list about blue lampshades. You will be surprised at how many people actually appreciate that you stay in touch with them.

It is interesting sending out e-mail to your list. You might not think that your customers and prospects read them and some don’t but you still might get a call anyway because they see the mail come in and it reminds them to call you on a completely different topic. I try and mail not so much on a regular basis but only when I think I have something of value to offer my readers.

If you have any questions please feel free to comment below or call 781-990-8844.

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Chris Weatherall

President and SEO Strategist Chris has over a decade and a half of website development, SEO and organic link building experience. He manages the strategy for each client and drives the search engine rankings and traffic Eminent SEO is known for. When you hire Eminent you hire Chris, which means you have a veteran organic search expert on your team. Oh, and he’s funny too!

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Ads Vs. Content, New Tip From Your Friendly Phoenix Arizona SEO

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Uh, oh – it looks like your search engine optimization strategy might need some adjusting. It’s time to rethink the ad placement on your web pages. Google has announced that it has begun penalizing sites with pages that are top-heavy with ads. With this change, called the “page layout algorithm,” Google will be hunting out those sites with pages where content is buried below heavy ads, and adjusting rankings accordingly.

As if web 2.0 marketing wasn’t confusing enough, it seems as if users have been increasingly complaining that they are often forced to scroll down past heavy ads in search of that actual content which they would prefer to see right away. It’s these complaints which Google is responding to, and those websites without much “above-the-fold” content will be affected by this change. The end result? They may not rank as highly going forward.

So, how are you to know if you’ve got a website which is too top-heavy with advertising? Well, Google won’t be releasing any new tools to help with this – rather, they’re encouraging people to make use of existing tools to understand how much of a given page’s content is seen by visitors at first glance.

This change has been put into effect immediately, so if you see a sudden drop in traffic, and you’re heavy on ads, chances are you’ve been impacted. Those sites which are tagged as too ad-heavy will see a ranking decrease attached to your entire site. Ouch.

Even if you immediately reduce above-the-fold ads, it may take several weeks until Google takes notes of the changes it has found. That could translate to several weeks of decreased traffic for your site, and that’s why your new media marketing strategy needs to be adjusted accordingly, and pronto.

According to Google:
If you decide to update your page layout, the page layout algorithm will automatically reflect the changes as we re-crawl and process enough pages from your site to assess the changes.

How long that takes will depend on several factors, including the number of pages on your site and how efficiently Googlebot can crawl the content.

On a typical website, it can take several weeks for Googlebot to crawl and process enough pages to reflect layout changes on the site.

The bottom line, is that excessive advertising impacts overall user experience, and should be avoided to keep ranking results as high as possible.

Does all this talk about algorithms have you confused? Not to worry, we keep up on all this news so that you don’t have to. We’re the seo arizona experts. If you’re overwhelmed, just get in touch.

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Team Eminent SEO

Eminent SEO provides strategic SEO campaigns with measurable results along with expert website design, development, pay per click, content and social media and organic website marketing. 800.871.4130.

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