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Be honest: Have you ever tried to fix a problem and accidentally made it worse? Perhaps you were trying to update your operating system on your computer to make...
“It’s not what you said. It’s how you said it…” We’ve all played the role of victim or accuser, whether in a relationship with a significant other, a parent,...
When starting a business, you want your logo to be legendary, memorable and to make a statement. You want it to create a buzz and help your brand become...
We live in an era of convenience where we have the ability to access information with the click of a button in a fraction of a second. Technology has...
If you’re in the metro Phoenix area, you have a plethora of festivities to choose from this 4th of July Weekend. At Eminent SEO, we’ve put together a list...
Marketing practices have dramatically evolved over the years, and it looks like changes within this industry are not slowing down any time soon. The boom of the internet has...
When we’re living in an era when you can legitimately put a profession such as “Instagram Model” on a resúmé, you know just how powerful a tool social media...
Happy Employees Are Productive Employees Stress in the workplace is unavoidable. However, you don’t have to let it get the best of you. Instead, take control of it and...
It’s always sad to see a business close its doors and leave behind a vacant storefront. Well, almost always – depending on if the shuttered business personally wronged you...