We recently launched our Brand Identity division. Do you need help with your logo or branding?
At Eminent Brand Identity we will help you build an effective brand name, if you don’t already have one, or we will help you enhance what you already have. We will help you connect your brand to your target audience. We do this through deep research of your competition and the market place and, at times, your client base as well. Each brand, like a person, already has a personality or will develop a personality with the effort we help you put forth in the market place. Learn more about the Eminent Brand Identity Services, visit the new site: (No longer active)
From the Eminent SEO Offices
Happy (early) Valentine’s Day from our Eminent SEO and Eminent Social Media staff!
We are in LOVE with Marketing, Branding, Research, Strategy and all things that we can do to help businesses succeed online. Our LOVE for Internet Marketing translates into passionate, knowledgeable and hard working staff who can’t want to help you succeed at what you LOVE.
Industry News and Featured Content
January 18th the Web went on strike… did you take part?
The two bills in Congress, SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) in the Senate and PIPA (Protect-IP Act) in the House of Representatives, would censor the web and slow the economic growth of the U.S. as the web is one of our biggest job creating engines in America. Did you sign the petition to put this to a stop. Read More: Tell Congress: Don’t censor the Web | Get informed about SOPA and PIPA
Why Link Building is such a big part of SEO and why you should be investing in it!
Links are a big part of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Link Building for SEO is the practice of building links on other websites that point to your website. Generally the links use an anchor text (most commonly referred to as “keyword” or “key phrase” here at Eminent SEO) that we want to rank a website for in the organic search… Read More
Announcing the launch of The Slim Side!
Looking for a live example of our work? Check out a recent client website launch: We created their logo and branding and designed and developed the website. We also manage their social media and other marketing. Ask us if you are interested in learning more about this project or what we can do for you.
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Our Monster is still without a name! Won’t you help us and spread the word to vote for a new name?
Help Team Eminent SEO Name our Monster Mascot! Learn more about The Eminent SEO Monster Here. Are you ready to vote? Vote here! If you need more visual persuasion, see the video.