Get Familiar with the Buyer’s Journey You’ve probably noticed that consumers today are more cognizant and wary of sales pitches than in decades past. It’s becoming more and more...
Whether your fiscal year begins in January or July, what you allot for marketing budget has much to do about what you believe you’re supposed to spend. And this...
There’s an intuitiveness to digital marketing that if your campaigns aren’t geared toward each platform uniquely, your advertising and social spends may miss your proposed target audience. Why? Whether...
Marketing has been transforming businesses for ages, since way back in the 1960s when advertising strategies stemmed from one simple creative idea that transformed small businesses into huge, recognizable...
In this post, I want to explore how and why sales and marketing strategies must align. I also want to share some tools that will help you build, monitor...
This is probably the conversation I have the most frequently with marketing industry peers and clients. It is just a repetitive chat; the subject gets people animated, agitated, confused...
You’ve seen them in text messages. You’ve seen them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a long list of other social medial platforms. You may have even seen them decorating...
As long as Google has acted as our de facto gateway to the rest of the Internet, so too have brands and marketers developed strategies for optimizing their content...
For years you’ve been hearing about the importance of developing higher quality content and making that content a central part of your overall marketing strategy. Don’t count on that...
If you are a member of the SEO community, or if you spend your time searching lots of keywords and phrases using the Google search engine, you may have...