President and SEO Strategist
Chris has over a decade and a half of website development, SEO and organic link building experience. He manages the strategy for each client and drives the search engine rankings and traffic Eminent SEO is known for. When you hire Eminent you hire Chris, which means you have a veteran organic search expert on your team. Oh, and he’s funny too!
Give ‘Em Something to Chat About More and more website owners are infusing their site with live chat tools. This is an especially smart choice for websites with service...
The SEO/SEM world has not taken kindly to Google’s new Keyword Planner that officially replaced the old AdWord Keyword Tool yesterday. To use the Keyword Tool now users must...
May 16th is the halfway point to Thanksgiving and I want everyone to take time and reflect on something to be thankful for. Sure the weather is warm and...
“Content is king” – this cliché is routinely tossed around the digital marketing world with reckless abandon. Unfortunately, it leads many companies to believe the quantity, not the quality,...
Once a health care provider is accredited by The Joint Commission one of the benefits is the provider will be able to proudly display the Joint Commission badge on...
Advertising Direct Response – Brave New World for Agencies and Advertisers Alike Moving products and services using advertising direct response methods can deliver ROI that will allow for a...
In my experience since about 1994 I have been working for an online advertising agency before the Internet got white hot and Netscape was all the rage and the...
John Wanamaker came up with one of the greatest business quotes ever in my opinion, “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t...