Google’s Auto Complete Reflects Fears [Video]

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Google Suggest Tool

While we may find entertainment and humor in Google’s suggest auto complete tool,  it also reflects, “fears, inquiries, preoccupations, obsessions and fixations of the human being at a certain age and our evolution through life,” says Marius B.

Reality is, we all are searching for similar, if not the same answers as Google clearly reveals.  Who knows how many times Google has seen these searches before? Hundreds? Thousands?


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Eminent SEO provides strategic SEO campaigns with measurable results along with expert website design, development, pay per click, content and social media and organic website marketing. 800.871.4130.

3 thoughts on “Google’s Auto Complete Reflects Fears [Video]

  1. Avatar for Team Eminent SEOJenny Stradling

    What is weird to me is that people are using Google this way in the first place. These are weird query’s to me – like what sites pop up for these terms?

    Also, on a side note who in the hell is 30 and NEVER had a job. LOL.


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